What Would Be Said of Us?

What Would Be Said of Us?

What Would Be Said of Us? What Would Be Said of Us? On the second Sunday of Advent we hear the words of the prophet Malachi and we discover John the Baptist as he quotes from the prophet Isaiah. How do these words speak to us today? Scripture: Malachi 3: 1-4 and Luke...
The One Who is Just and Right

The One Who is Just and Right

The One Who is Just and Right The One Who is Just and Right Welcome to Advent! The season of preparation, where we get ready to once again receive the one who is just and right! We hope that the music, readings and sermons this Advent season deepen your walk of faith....
What Kind of King is Jesus?

What Kind of King is Jesus?

What Kind of King is Jesus? What Kind of King is Jesus? This morning is Christ the King Sunday and we reflect on what kind of king is Jesus? Much of the language of scripture as it revolves around kings and kingdoms isn’t part of our popular word usage today. We...
Little Apocalypses

Little Apocalypses

Little Apocalypses Little Apocalypses Our passages today focus on reconciliation, the hard work of forgiveness. It might not look that way at first glance, as the passages have more finger pointing in them than words of forgiveness.  However, if you dig deeper you...

Who Does the Story Belong To?

Who Does the Story Belong To? Who Does the Story Belong To? This isn’t a question we ask when we sit down to read a book or watch a movie. Often it is enough to be entertained or informed, idea’s of ownership don’t enter into our thought and if they...
A Model for Pastoral Care

A Model for Pastoral Care

A Model for Pastoral Care A Model for Pastoral Care The first chapter of Ruth is bleak, perhaps even disheartening. Yet, beneath the surface there is a current of care and compassion. A thread worth pulling on as we discover two women and how they choose to care for...
What Do You Hear?

What Do You Hear?

What Do You Hear? What Do You Hear? We sing, We want to see Jesus. In our minds we long for the day we might see Jesus. However, within scripture we are often directed to hear Jesus or listen to him. If we stop and do so, what do you hear? Scripture: Mark 10: 46-52 I...

Tell Me Who Are You?

Tell Me Who Are You? Tell Me Who Are You? The Psalm, Job and Mark’s gospel all provide a glimpse of what we believe in God and what the path of discipleship looks like. However, these three passages are far from harmonious. What does it mean to follow Christ, to...

Why Faith?

Why Faith? Why Faith? Today we look at Job. On the surface we might simply ask the question why? We may dig deeper and ask the classic question why do bad things happen to good people? However, I think the question Job needs us to ask is why faith?  Scripture: Job...

Be Salty

Be Salty Be Salty Today Jesus has a series of moral teaching for us. This section of Mark’s gospel kicks off a wider disertation by Jesus on how we should be living rightly with one another. However, over the course of this passage from Mark’s gospel there...

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