
The flashback is a story telling technique that takes the narrative back in time. The purpose of this is to inform the audience of an important piece of information that exists. Something crucial to understanding the story as a whole. In some movies we start with an...

Primer for Sunday: John was Arrested

This week we are looking at Mark’s gospel. In the first verse of our reading this week we have the following line, “Now after John was arrested…” It is an ominous way to begin a reading and a difficult one on which to build a ministry. We are...
Rev. Ellis has been Profiled by the Local Papers

Rev. Ellis has been Profiled by the Local Papers

Over the past two weeks Rev. Ellis has been interviewed by both the Northumberland Today and the Northumberland News. Both articles feature a different side of Rev. Ellis and the journey that brought him to St. Andrew’s. You can find the link to both articles...

Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Holy Trinity, Mystery manifest in love, One God, Enlarge my spirit. If clear perception and the power to act Conflict with our desire or lazy habit, Lord, enlarge my spirit. If I give the name of right to what I desire Or smother Your emerging Kingdom with conformity,...

The Voice of a Child

Over the past couple of weeks I have read a few stories about various municipalities that have sought to place a ban on the well-loved winter sport of tobogganing. It seems that the kids have found new ways to go faster, take greater risks and just generally have more...

Primer for Sunday: Seen, not Heard

We have all heard the expression, ‘Children should be seen, not heard.’ I am fairly certain that as a child that was spoken of me at more than one point. It is a tragic expression in many ways. It assumes that children do not have anything of value to say....

Prayer of Discipleship

The early stories in the gospels feature accounts of Jesus recruiting the disciples. The accounts are rather remarkable in how quickly the disciples decide to follow Jesus. John’s gospel relays an account of how Philip and Nathanael came to follow Jesus. Philip...

A Cosmic Event

Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Little does Luke know that the GALACTIC EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored space station...

Water and Spirit

Mark’s gospel account is very different from Matthew and Luke’s. Where Matthew and Luke take time to establish who Jesus is Mark rushes head long into the narrative. Mark begins with the baptism of Jesus which is prefaced with an introduction to John the...

January News

The New Year has begun and regular activities are staring up at St. Andrew’s. Here are some upcoming events for January and beyond. Soup Kitchen every Thursday at 10am Young at Heart every Friday at 10:00am Men’s Breakfast at The Dutch Oven –...

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