Preparing for Sunday: With Eyes to See
Doubting Thomas. It is a famous story. Truth is Thomas probably does not deserve the criticism he receives. We too would like to see. However, John's gospel is more than just a story about what it took for Thomas to believe. It is a story about all of the disciples...
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday - April 2, 2015 Join us for a reflective service as celebrate the Lord's Supper. The focus of the service will be the sacrament of communion. Time will be spent reflecting on this meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. The importance of sharing...
What is Love?
This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday or the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is a Sunday where we profess our love for Jesus. Where those in the story who upon seeing Jesus enter Jerusalem profess their love for him. As I have reflected on this passage from...
Preparing for Sunday: Serving Christ
As we draw closer to the events of Easter we are confronted with questions surrounding the death and life of Jesus. As we reflect on death and life in relation to Jesus, we should also consider how we are also drawn into the conversation. In John's gospel lesson for...
Preparing for Sunday: For God So Loved
John 3:16 is one of the most famous passages in the Bible. Along with Psalm 23 it is etched in our minds and speaks to the goodness that we know in God. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may...
Preparing for Sunday: The Temple
What does it mean to go to church? Ask 100 people and receive 100 answers. The responses might be similar and full of overlapping themes, but most of us have a different idea of what it means to attend church. As we have journeyed through Lent we have reflected on our...
Faith Seeking Understanding
Doubt. It is the nagging question. The uncertain factor, the unknown. The tickle at the back of your throat. It keeps you up at night, wondering if you have made the right choice. If you've been played the fool. Doubt, often seen as the antithesis of faith. If you...
Preparing for Sunday: The Tipping Point
The story of the Flood narrative in Genesis deals with God's divine wrath and anger at humanity. So angry is God that a decision is made to start over. To flood the Earth and wipe everything out except for one small family and a handful of each living creature....
Actions Speak
You've heard the expression before: Actions speak louder than words. It is an expression about getting the job done, rather than sitting around and talking about the jobs that need doing. What would life be like if we were told not to talk about what your plans are or...
Preparing for Sunday: A Day’s Work
What does a day's work look like? Perhaps if you are a doctor it is arriving at your practice, seeing patients, and prescribing remedies. A contractor might follow plans drafted up by another individual and ensure that a building or other project is completed. A...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.