Primer for Sunday: Where Two or Three Have Gathered
This Sunday we will reflect on Matthew 18: 15-20. This is a passage that many churches including our own use to determine how conflict, disagreement and sinful behaviour by members should be handled. Jesus provides a model for us that is well laid out and makes sense...
Primer for Sunday: I Will Be With You
The story of Moses' call from God is an iconic story. The Burning Bush transcends past Christianity and into popular culture. However, at its core is a story about great faith and trust. God does not equip Moses for ministry the way we might like to be equipped for a...
Primer for Sunday: Upon This Rock
Our Gospel passage for this Sunday is well known. Peter's confessional statement in Matthew 16: 13-20 about Jesus is a cornerstone of Christian faith. Jesus' reply to Peter is just a foundational. Jesus will build his church upon that rock. The statement that Jesus...
Primer for Sunday: Great Faith
The story in Matthew 15: 10-28 of the Canaanite woman is a difficult one for many reasons. It forces us to ask questions about Jesus, which are uncomfortable. It raises issues about the divinity of Jesus, the characteristics of God and who is included in God's plan...
Primer for Sunday: Walking on Water
Our story this week is well known, after feeding the crowds Jesus send his disciples off and he ascends a hill for that time alone he has been searching for. During this time Jesus prays. Afterwards Jesus walks out on the water to join the disciples in the boat. It's...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.