Preparing for Sunday: On Hospitatlity

Have you ever invited someone over for a visit? Perhaps it was tea and a brief chat in the afternoon or maybe you invited your neighbours over for dinner. Either way I am sure you have either entertained company or been entertained yourself. Now think about that day...

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Ancient Prayers

Prayer has been an integral part of Christian faith since the beginning. Jesus counselled the disciples in how they could approach God in prayer. Today in our private lives and in corporate worship we also pray to God. We offer praise, seek intercession and offer...

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Your Whole World

You have probably heard the song ‘He’s got the whole world in his hand.’ Maybe you’d even like to sing it with me. The song is a powerful reminder that God is at work in creation. That God is the creator, redeemer and sustainer. As I prepared for this morning’s sermon...

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Preparing for Sunday: Your Whole World

If I asked you to describe your whole world what would you say? Would you define your world as the space you inhabit, the house you live in, the job that you have? Would your whole world consist of your family and friends? Perhaps you might include the issues you find...

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Prayer on Success and Failure

Gracious God, A day comes When we must face the fact That the curve of our life sweeps downward. If misfortune falls upon us, its sign are sudden. We are not thinking of the swift blows of drastic change. We would talk with you of the day That is like yesterday, And...

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Our gospel lesson from this past Sunday has us looking at the story of the Centurion and his faith. Many might say this is a healing story and while a healing miracle is performed the real emphasis of the story is on the faith of the Centurion. This unnamed Centurion...

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A Prayer

Recently I have discovered a website belonging to Andrew King. Andrew writes wonderful poetry based on his encounter with scripture. As I read his poem this week I thought that it captured how I am feeling and best articulated the prayer I needed to say. Please take...

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This past Sunday was Trinity Sunday. A day in the church year where we celebrate the work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three-fold aspect of God. The passage from scripture that we are looking at this Sunday is perhaps not the most obvious choice when we...

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Preparing for Sunday: Wisdom

Sunday is Trinity Sunday, where we celebrate the three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, now and forever. However, the scripture we will be considering on Sunday may appear to be the least likely candidate for Trinity Sunday. We will be...

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Prayer of Restoration

Be gracious to me, O God, According to your steadfast love; According to your abundant mercy Wash me thoroughly and cleanse me of my sin. I know my sin, it is every before me. It is against you that I have sinned, I have done evil in your sight. Your desire for me is...

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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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