Prayer for the Lost
Gracious God, what does it mean to be lost? Is it possible to live outside of your love? We search and we question, looking for signs of your presence. We often struggle to find meaning, to put words to feelings. Enable us, loving God, to see you in a smile, to hear...
Family Movie Night
St. Andrew's is holding a Family Movie Night on January 15, 2016. Admission to this event is free! Donations and proceeds from refreshment sales will benefit the Better Together Refugee Sponsorship. The movie that will be shown is Disney Pixar's Inside Out. Come and...
Prayer for Family
Heavenly Father, you call us to live in families. A unit of individuals who are to share, love, encourage and counsel one another. I pray that the light of your love be felt by my family. Grant us the strength to overcome any obstacles we may face. Give us the courage...
Two Sermons on the Magi
The visit of the Wise Men or Magi to Jesus is marked by the celebration of Epiphany. It is a season of light, of realization and expectation. While the story of the Wise Men is often one of grandeur and wonder there is another story found embedded within Matthew's...
Prayer for the New Year
Gracious God, In your wisdom you created all things and called them good. We have come from celebrating the birth of your Son And we recognize the promise that his life brings to all people. Thank you for the blessings you have provided us this past year; For your...
Christmas Eve
This sermon is from the evening service. The text for the sermon is John 1: 1-14. Christmas Eve, 2015 - Evening Service The opening of John’s gospel which we heard read tonight is one of my favourite passages in scripture. On one hand I enjoy the poetic...
Prayer for Christmas
Gracious God, we give you thanks for the light of Christmas. May hope be present during uncertain times. May peace be known to all people. May joy flow in abundance. May love be discovered through your enduring gift. Amen.
Were You There on that Christmas Night?
This Sunday this Choir of St. Andrew's will offer the Cantata Were You There on that Christmas Night? as a special celebration of music. Be sure to attend and please invite family and friends as we hear the story of Christ's birth in music. The service will also...
Advent Prayer of Love
Gracious God, who brought light into this world, be the love that dwells within me. Giving God, who brought peace into this world, be the peace that dwells within me. Creator God, who brought joy into this world, be the joy that dwells within me. Almighty God, may...
What is it all About?
The third Sunday of Advent is when we light the candle of Joy. Our gospel reading this week continues to deal with the ministry of John the Baptist. We receive a harsh message from John followed by some instructions that we might find peculiar. Text: Luke 3: 7-18 What...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.