Prayer of Love
Heavenly Father, You come to us as a child, You come to us as the wind, You come to us unbidden, You come to us in our time of need. In your son Jesus Christ We witness your love for us. Through his teaching and healing ministry We observe how you would have us live....
Prayer is such a vital aspect of Christian discipleship. A critical link between us and God. In James' final words to us we find a link between prayer and the call to action that is central to James' understanding of our faith. Prayer to James is active and alive. A...
Preparing for Sunday: Prayer
I do not think there are enough ways for me to describe how incredible prayer is. It is a vital link of communication between us and God. Prayer with conviction can move people and inspire causes. Prayer allows us to search ourselves and question our own motivations....
Prayer for Refugees
Gracious and loving God, You have walked the path of the homeless, Your son and his family fled their home, Living in an foreign country as refugees, The threat of death hung over him live a shadow. Hold out your hand to those who flee From danger, oppression and...
Wisdom from Heaven
What does it mean to be wise and where does wisdom come from? These are two questions that James writes about. His letter discusses earthly and heavenly wisdom. The question of ascribing wisdom to an individual can often be summed up by the position they hold or the...
Preparing for Sunday: Who is Wise?
We continue our series on James this Sunday. The opening verse from our passage has James asking the following question, "Who is wise and understanding among you?" An interesting question that might find some individuals boasting of their worthiness and perhaps others...
Back to Church Sunday
Sunday September 20 is Back to Church Sunday. This week I would encourage you to reach out to a friend or neighbour and invite them to church. It is easier than you might think!
Prayer for a Vision
God of promise, send us a vision, Remove our selfishness and grant us the ability to see the other. Remove our fear of the unknown, change and uncertainty. Grant us your peace that in our meeting we may experience fellowship. Grant us your wisdom that in our dialogue...
If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say
How often do we consider how the words we speak might hurt or offend other people? Do we think before we speak or do we put the proverbial foot in our mouths? Our passage from James this morning looks at the sin we can commit when we are careless with how we speak....
Preparing for Sunday: Loose Lips
Loose lips sink ships. A slogan that came into use during WWII. It was meant to limit soldiers into giving away important information. Another way of saying it is 'careless talk costs lives'. While most of us today do not operate under such secrecy this slogan has a...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.