Prayer Time: A Prayer for Forgiveness
Over the past few weeks we have been studying about forgiveness as Jesus has presented it in Matthew 18. This week as we pray we focus on forgiveness. Remembering to forgive ourselves as well as others. This prayer is adapted from Worship for an Easter People vol. 3...
The Discipleship of Forgiveness
As some of you know before I attended Knox College I worked as a financial advisor for one of the banks. One day while working I had a woman in her late sixties come in to see me. It was the first time I had met her and she looked nervous. In her hands she was holding...
Primer for Sunday: Forgiveness as an Act of Discipleship
Our Gospel lesson this week continue's to focus on the teaching that Jesus had for the church. We find ourselves towards the end of a segment on forgiveness. Last week we discussed what forgiveness, grace and reconciliation looked like. This week as we read Matthew...
Prayer Time: A Gaelic Poem for Peace
This prayer is taken from the book The Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic by Alexander Carmichael (1960). The Peace of God, the peace of men, the peace of Columba kindly, the peace of Mary mild, the loving, the peace of Christ, King of tenderness. The...
Forgiveness, Grace and Reconciliation
You might find this hard to believe, but every once in a while my kids fight. It usually surrounds a toy and usually ends up with one or both of them in tears. Eventually one of them comes up to me or Kate and says, “Ethan hit me” or “Logan won’t share his toy.” The...
Upcoming Events in September
It is hard to believe that September is here already. Children have finished their first week of school and the very first leaves have begun to change colour. The upcoming week represents the renewal of many activities at St. Andrew's. If you would like more...
Primer for Sunday: Where Two or Three Have Gathered
This Sunday we will reflect on Matthew 18: 15-20. This is a passage that many churches including our own use to determine how conflict, disagreement and sinful behaviour by members should be handled. Jesus provides a model for us that is well laid out and makes sense...
Prayer Time: For Students
Loving God, as our children return to school we ask that you will watch over them. Keep them safe during this time of excitement and new opportunity. Bless the friendships they make, encourage them in learning and allow them to question the world around them. We give...
Who Am I?
I don’t know about you, but I am not a fan of waiting. I’m sure there is a virtue to be found in patience, but I haven’t discovered it yet. Waiting can be painful, it can be agonizing. I have taken a few flights and I think waiting for the boarding call is one of the...
Primer for Sunday: I Will Be With You
The story of Moses' call from God is an iconic story. The Burning Bush transcends past Christianity and into popular culture. However, at its core is a story about great faith and trust. God does not equip Moses for ministry the way we might like to be equipped for a...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.