Prayer Time: For Students
Loving God, as our children return to school we ask that you will watch over them. Keep them safe during this time of excitement and new opportunity. Bless the friendships they make, encourage them in learning and allow them to question the world around them. We give...
Prayer Time: Prayers of Deliverance
Last night I received a prayer request for the situation in Iraq. A situation that has seen the Islamic State (IS) kill Christians and other minority groups if they do not convert or pay a tax. The email I received indicated that the IS had captured the city...
Prayer Time: A Prayer of Blessing
Great God, you sent Jesus Christ that we might trust in him and live as his faithful followers. Uplift us when we stumble, steady us when we falter, that we might walk in righteousness and work for reconciliation in the way of Jesus Christ. Give us grace to be a...
Prayer Time: Seeing Each Other as Brothers & Sisters
In my own devotional time I have been reading the Book of Ruth. Ruth's words to Naomi in chapter 1: 16-17 caused me to reflect on much of the global crisis in a new way. In a manner that disregards self-interest for the needs of others. Ruth embodies the element...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.