Lenten Prayer
Loving God of forgiveness, I come before you humbled and sad In the face of my own repeated failings. I hold out my hands as a petitioner would, Asking for mercy. It is then that I feel you reach out and take my hand in your loving grasp. Thank you for the love you...
Finding God in the Psalms
In Psalm 69:6 we find the following words: Lord, the Lord Almighty, may those who hope in you not be disgraced because of me; God of Israel, may those who seek you not be put to shame because of me. Often the greatest barrier to receiving new followers of Jesus are...
Prayer for the Sick
Watch now dear Lord, With those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, And give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ; Rest your weary ones, Bless your dying ones, Soothe your suffering ones, Pity your afflicted ones, Shield your...
Listen, Lord – A Prayer
O Lord, we come this morning Knee-bowed and body-bent Before thy throne of grace. O Lord, this morning, Bow our hearts beneath our knees, And our knees in some lonesome valley. We come this morning, Like empty pitchers to a full fountain, With no merits of our own. O...
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
With thanks to a colleague in Ministry, Rev. Kevin Lee, who posted this prayer on Facebook. I believe that this ancient prayer still speaks to us powerfully today. A Prayer of Adoration and Confession, adopted from Dionysius of Alexandria, 264 AD. Holy God, giver of...
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
Sometimes we over complicate things. In an attempt to perhaps impress God we try really hard to pray well. Often there isn't a need to pray well, but to pray faithfully. Jesus provide us with a template for prayer. It is one that is prayed each Sunday in countless...
Prayers Before Bed Time
Evening prayer or prayer before bed time is a ritual in many homes. Before we tuck our children in to bed we say a prayer with them. The following prayer is one which you could work into your schedule. We give you now the day as it has been, With all its hopes...
Prayer for Humanity
Charles de Foucauld said, "It is more important to be human than to be religious." It is an extraordinary statement because it is a faith statement. God addresses us in a very special way, sending his son to be a human being. Jesus did not come to be the first...
Prayer for Healing
Spirit of God, Enter the lives of your much loved children. Come with your healing, your peace and your power. We ask now for your transforming power And love to touch us in all our needs. May Christ bring us wholeness of body, mind and spirit, Deliver us from every...
Praying Psalm 130
The Psalms have long been a refuge for prayer. A place of praise and lament the writers of the Psalms have provided us with a template on how to approach God openly and honestly. Psalm 130: 1-4 reads: Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice....

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.