Get Up Jesus is Calling You
Get Up Jesus is Calling You The healing of Bartimaeus is the second healing story in Mark's gospel where sight is restored. Why does Mark share two very similar healing stories in his gospel? What is the significance of Bartimaeus receiving his sight and...
Sitting in Glory
Sitting in Glory What does it mean to sit in glory with God? I'm not sure James and John know the answer to this question, however they are more than eager to claim this honour. The request of James and John as found in Mark's gospel contains a reference...
Look Love Come Follow
Look Love Come Follow The passage from Mark pairs nicely with last weeks sermon. In fact if last week was the 'sex' sermon, then this week is the 'money' sermon. Perhaps this is fitting as Wednesday October 17 is International Eradication of Poverty and...
Stop Making Lists
Stop Making Lists The passage from Mark's gospel that occurs in the lectionary this week is one that is preached with care. It is known as the 'divorce text' and just hearing the word divorce brings a wide range of emotions. Often while reading this...
Stumbling Blocks
Stumbling Blocks What keeps us from faith? This question may be challenging enough to answer for ourselves, but what if we are what causes others to stumble in their faith? How might this knowledge affect our walk of faith and our interactions with others?...
Who is Greatest?
Who is Greatest? The disciples are arguing about who is greatest. It might seem odd, but it shouldn't. We argue about who is greatest all the time. It is perhaps most noticeable in the sports world which has statistics and records for everything that can...
Who Do You Say That You Are?
Who Do You Say That You Are? The gospel lesson today features a critical lesson to the disciples and by extension, us. Jesus asks the disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" The logical and expected response is, "The Messiah." Full points. However, it is...
What Starts You Up?
What Starts You Up? This mornings passage from Mark has two healing stories in it. The healing of the Syrophoenician woman's daughter and the healing of the deaf/mute man. On the surface these are two healing miracles of Jesus, but should we stop there? Or...
The Lord’s Prayer – Part 4
The Lord's Prayer - Part 4 Today is the fourth and final sermon in the series on the Lord's Prayer. We consider the final stanza's of the prayer, where we acknowledge that "The kingdom, the power and the glory belong to God forever and ever. You can catch...
The Lord’s Prayer – Part 3
The Lord's Prayer - Part 3 Today is our third look at the Lord's Prayer. Our focus this morning is on the petition 'and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.' You can catch up on the sermon series by reading Part 1 and Part 2 of the Lord's...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.