
This past Sunday was Trinity Sunday. A day in the church year where we celebrate the work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three-fold aspect of God. The passage from scripture that we are looking at this Sunday is perhaps not the most obvious choice when we...

Preparing for Sunday: Wisdom

Sunday is Trinity Sunday, where we celebrate the three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, now and forever. However, the scripture we will be considering on Sunday may appear to be the least likely candidate for Trinity Sunday. We will be...

Prayer of Restoration

Be gracious to me, O God, According to your steadfast love; According to your abundant mercy Wash me thoroughly and cleanse me of my sin. I know my sin, it is every before me. It is against you that I have sinned, I have done evil in your sight. Your desire for me is...


Today we celebrate the coming of the  Holy Spirit, which is also the birthday of the Church. The Holy Spirit is the aspect of the Trinity that we often refer to as our sustainer. It is that invigorating presence which challenges us and propels us forward to do...

Preparing for Sunday: The Advocate

On Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, the time in the Christian year when we mark the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that one would come after him, the Advocate which would be with the disciples. In Acts we witness the arrival of the Holy Spirit which arrives...

Prayer at Pentecost

Gracious God, you are our life-giver and liberator, Make us both alert and free in your service. In the light of your truth may we see best How to use our resources for the day’s events. Give us your Spirit, Make us people who will build your kingdom, Not people...

The End

This is our final look at Revelation. What is the final word from God for us as we consider the final words printed in the Bible. Does this represent the end or something else altogether? Text: Revelation 22: 12-14, 16-17, 20-21 The End...

Preparing for Sunday: The End

This Sunday is our final look at Revelation and the message that it brings to us. Over the past few Sunday’s we have seen that Revelation is primarily a book of the Bible which emphasises worship and encourages the body of Christ to persevere. This Sunday we...

Praying the Psalms: 1

“The end of prayer is praise.” – Eugene Peterson Gracious God, we are happiest when we live in the light of your love. In life we recognize that there are two paths: The path of the wicked and The path of the righteous. May we always take delight in...

Christian Hope

On the first Sunday in May St. Andrew’s celebrates its anniversary. For 183 years St. Andrew’s has existed as a community of faith, proclaiming God’s goodness and serving the community. It is fitting that this Sunday we are continuing our look at...

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