Preparing for Sunday: Sabbath
What exactly is Sabbath? Sabbath has often been described as a day of rest. However, this explanation falls short in capturing the nuanced aspects of rest as described by God. We find two different explanations for why we should take a Sabbath. Both are in the Old...
Preparing for Sunday: Division
If I am not present on Sunday morning take a quick glance at the scripture lesson and you will have the first clue as to why. This Sunday we deal with perhaps one of the most difficult passages in Luke's gospel. It is a passage that makes us uncomfortable. As a...
Preparing for Sunday: Little Things
Life is made of little moments that when added together comprise the whole of our existence. We don't live event to event, but moment to moment. We may not often count the time, but as it passes by our life becomes full and rich. Jesus makes a statement to the...
Preparing for Sunday: The Harvest
Jesus is heading towards Jerusalem. As he journey's there he will visit many communities. To prepare the people for his visit Jesus gathers some of those who have been following him and sends them out ahead. They are to heal the sick and proclaim that the Kingdom of...
Preparing for Sunday: Discipleship
What does it mean to follow Jesus? A simple question which has a multitude of answers. There are a variety of ways which we could approach this question. On Sunday we will approach the issue of discipleship through Luke's gospel. In our gospel text for Sunday Jesus...
Preparing for Sunday: Fear
Fear is an emotion which is present in our gospel lesson this Sunday. Jesus performs a healing miracle, driving demons out of a man. In the events that follow the people that witnessed the healing are fearful of Jesus and they ask him to leave. It is a striking image,...
Preparing for Sunday: On Hospitatlity
Have you ever invited someone over for a visit? Perhaps it was tea and a brief chat in the afternoon or maybe you invited your neighbours over for dinner. Either way I am sure you have either entertained company or been entertained yourself. Now think about that day...
Preparing for Sunday: Your Whole World
If I asked you to describe your whole world what would you say? Would you define your world as the space you inhabit, the house you live in, the job that you have? Would your whole world consist of your family and friends? Perhaps you might include the issues you find...
Preparing for Sunday: Wisdom
Sunday is Trinity Sunday, where we celebrate the three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, now and forever. However, the scripture we will be considering on Sunday may appear to be the least likely candidate for Trinity Sunday. We will be...
Preparing for Sunday: The Advocate
On Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, the time in the Christian year when we mark the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that one would come after him, the Advocate which would be with the disciples. In Acts we witness the arrival of the Holy Spirit which arrives...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.