Preparing for Sunday: Choose Life
What is the purpose of God's law? What did Jesus mean when he said, "I came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." Our passage this Sunday continues our look at the Sermon on the Mount. We find Jesus instructing the disciples on some of the finer points of the...
Prayers Before Bed Time
Evening prayer or prayer before bed time is a ritual in many homes. Before we tuck our children in to bed we say a prayer with them. The following prayer is one which you could work into your schedule. We give you now the day as it has been, With all its hopes...
Salt and Light
What kind of disciples are we? To whom do we belong? These are just two of the questions which our passage from Matthew's gospel seeks to address. Jesus puts these questions to the disciples by referring to 'salt & light.' These two common, ordinary elements are...
Prayer for Humanity
Charles de Foucauld said, "It is more important to be human than to be religious." It is an extraordinary statement because it is a faith statement. God addresses us in a very special way, sending his son to be a human being. Jesus did not come to be the first...
The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes are a beloved piece of scripture. They remind us that the promises of God do not mirror the promises of this world. In fact, God's promises often put the promises of the world upside down. The Beatitudes Text: Matthew 5: 1-12 The 1952...
Preparing for Sunday: The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes are one of the most beloved passages in scripture. They speak about God's promises, they are uplifting and comforting. But what do they really mean? This is question is one we will explore this week, but first we must agree about what we are...
Come and Follow
How does one become a disciple of Jesus? If we look to Matthew's gospel when Jesus calls his first followers, we learn that it is a remarkably easy thing. Jesus calls, we follow. Text: Matthew 4: 12 - 23 Come and Follow Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven...
Preparing for Sunday: Following Jesus
What does it mean to follow Jesus? What does it look and feel like? Is it a simple process or complex? How might we count ourselves a disciples of Jesus Christ? These are questions which many have asked and wondered about. For everyone who asks the question the answer...
Prayer for Healing
Spirit of God, Enter the lives of your much loved children. Come with your healing, your peace and your power. We ask now for your transforming power And love to touch us in all our needs. May Christ bring us wholeness of body, mind and spirit, Deliver us from every...
Come and See
What does it mean to follow Jesus? To Come and See what he has to teach us? Our passage from John this morning has us encountering Jesus just after his baptism, before his ministry starts in earnest. Text: John 1: 29-42 Come and See There is a...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.