Preparing for Sunday: Where Are You Staying?
In our Gospel lesson from John this Sunday there are a variety of interesting things going on. Jesus is identified by John the Baptist, he recruits his first disciples and he even renames one of those disciples. However, what I find to be one of the most...
Praying Psalm 130
The Psalms have long been a refuge for prayer. A place of praise and lament the writers of the Psalms have provided us with a template on how to approach God openly and honestly. Psalm 130: 1-4 reads: Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice....
Christmas Eve Worship Services
Join us for worship this Christmas Eve, as we prepare to welcome Jesus Christ. This year we will once again be offering two worship services on Christmas Eve. Family Service - 4:30 The Family Service on Christmas Eve at St. Andrew's is geared towards children....
Lessons & Carols
This Sunday St. Andrew's will hold a Lessons & Carols service during worship. This is a time to enjoy favourite Christmas carols and will be followed by a Christmas reception hosted by the Women's Association. However, a Lessons & Carols service is about...
Prayer for Advent
Eternal God, During this time of Advent We remember Mary & Joseph. We give thanks for their obedience, For travelling great distance, during trying times. During this time of Advent We remember all those Who travel out of necessity, Hoping to discover a better,...
One Silent Night
This Sunday, December 11, the choir of St. Andrew's will present One Silent Night a musical rendition of the Christmas Story. We invite you to join us for this special service. There will be well known hymns for the congregation to sing and afterwards a time of...
A Prayer for Peace
This past Sunday we lit the candle of Peace. During Advent we prepare ourselves with the coming birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and we pray for peace in our world and amongst all people. Give peace in our time, O Lord:...
Peace on Earth
We are at the Second Sunday of Advent and the theme is peace. Our message comes to us from John the Baptist to prepare a way for the Lord, to make straight his paths. However, in order to understand the expectations that people had for the Messiah we need to turn our...
Preparing for Sunday: Prepare the Way
The appearance of John the Baptist tells us that we have reached the Second Sunday of Advent. John arrives as a voice out of the wilderness, proclaiming that we need to repent and to prepare for the one who will come after him. It's a shocking message, delivered by...
Speaking Out In Prayer
My daily devotional recently took me to the Book of Proverbs, Speak out for those who cannot speak, For the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge righteously, Defend the rights of the poor and needy. - Proverbs 31: 8-9 Recently, I have had the privilege to...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.