In the Garden

The Bible is full of rich stories. Many of these stories have weaved their way in and out of our modern culture. Aside from the nativity and Easter story perhaps the most well known story is that of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. It is a primeval story,...

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June News

It is a busy month at St. Andrew's. As we look forward to the summer months there are many activities and event happening in the life of the church. Make sure you mark these dates on your calendar. June 7 - We will be welcoming five new members to St. Andrew's and we...

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A Gaelic Prayer

One of the many book of prayers that I have is The Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic by Alexander Carmichael (1960). Reading and hearing prayers from other cultures is illuminating to understand how people over time have encountered God. The prayer...

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History has been marked by significant events. Signposts by which we mark and remember the passing of time. Births, deaths, wars, disasters, marriages. Each of these and more provides a link to other occasions of significance in our own lives. In our passage from...

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Here Am I, What Does it Mean to be Called?

On Sunday we will look at Isaiah 6: 1-8. This passage is seen as the call Isaiah received to begin his prophetic work. The passage is interesting as a call passage as it does not focus on why Isaiah should be sent. We can break the passage down into three sections:...

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Praying for Forgiveness

The central belief in Christian thought is that through Christ's sacrifice on the cross we are forgiven. How we are forgiven or what we are forgiven for is perhaps open to more debate or interpretation. The theology of atonement is an area of study which seeks to shed...

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Testify to the Truth

On Pentecost we receive the Holy Spirit and give thanks for its continual illumination on the Church. For its mission of illuminating the truth of God's love for humanity. However, while we might receive the Holy Spirit as a gift from God, it comes with an obligation...

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Primer for Sunday: Come Holy Spirit, Come

This Sunday is Pentecost, when the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. With the ascension of Christ, room is made for the Holy Spirit to come and do its work. In our reading from John's gospel Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as a Spirit of truth that will...

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Prayer for Pentecost

Jesus promised the disciples that after he left them he would send another, an advocate, in his place. The Holy Spirit comes, a Spirit of truth that continues to point us towards the teachings of Christ and of God's holy purpose for creation. God of power and truth,...

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Ascension Sunday

On Ascension Sunday we experience the culmination of the Gospel story. In Luke's gospel the ascension of Christ is not an event marked by great fanfare. In fact Luke only dedicates one sentence to Jesus ascending. Afterwards the disciples continue to worship in great...

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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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