Preparing for Sunday Worship: Talents
A local church was hosting Stewardship Awareness Sunday. The goal was to raise awareness about the variety of activities the congregation was engaged in. As part of the initiative everyone in the congregation was being offered $20 seed money. The hope was that people...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: Be Prepared
At St. Andrew's we host the Cobourg area Girl Guides. The Girl Guides along with the Scouting movement share a motto. This motto is composed of two words, yet it carries with it a heavy burden: Be Prepared. That is the motto of these movements which have assisted...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: Walk Humbly
A young man was dressed for a job interview. His best suit, matching tie, shoes highly polished. He had done his level best to ensure that he was putting more than his best foot forward. He was more than prepared and what is more he looked the part. During the...
Preparing for Sunday’s Worship: Whose Son is the Messiah?
Genealogy is a fascinating subject. Exploring family history, origin stories, discovering quirky facts and new relationships. The exploration of our ancestry teaches us something about ourselves and where we come from. We learn about family feuds and we uncover...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: What Does it Mean to be the Church?
Much of the New Testament is comprised of letters. Personal correspondence between one individual and a variety of churches located around the Mediterranean. Most of these letters are composed by Paul. In his missionary and church planting work Paul would keep in...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: Wedding Garments
I think most of us have had a visit to the doctor that was less than comfortable. Most often it is our annual physical. Afterwards the doctor has some advise for us which is usually prescriptive, we need to shed a few pounds, exercise more, cut back on the red meats....
Prepaing for Sunday Worship: The Stone Drops
Historically, if we look at rebellions and revolutions they tend to end in either one of two ways. Either the revolution is successful or it is not. In the wars of Independence (1775-1783) the people who resided in what is now the United States of America wanted a...
Primer for Sunday: On Whose Authority?
What is the difference between intent and action? Is someone who intends to do a good deed, but does not follow through still a good person? What about an individual who had not intention of doing good, but then does it anyway? In our passage this morning Jesus is...
Primer for Sunday: A Fair Wage
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard is a difficult piece of scripture to deal with. Issues of fairness, justice and the value of a days work are all themes that emerge from this reading. However, at its core this is a teaching from Jesus about the Kingdom of...
Primer for Sunday: Forgiveness as an Act of Discipleship
Our Gospel lesson this week continue's to focus on the teaching that Jesus had for the church. We find ourselves towards the end of a segment on forgiveness. Last week we discussed what forgiveness, grace and reconciliation looked like. This week as we read Matthew...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.