Going Up
This Sunday is Ascension Sunday and our Gospel text from Luke deals with this subject. It is curious that Christ's ascension is given one sentence in Luke's gospel. For such a grand event it is surprising that Luke spends such little time on it. While considering this...
Praying for Comfort
Gracious God, your love for us extends beyond our understanding. In a busy world we often seek rest. Amid the many conflicts and disasters we seek peace. Allow us to step beyond the boundaries of what we understand peace to be. Allow us to extend true, heartfelt...
The Master Gardener
Trusting God sounds like it should be an easy thing. However, in our walk of faith there are many times when we might question God's plan for us. When we realize that perhaps we would like a little more control or say in how events are being shaped. Our passage this...
Trusting the Gardener
This Sunday is the 182nd anniversary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian in Cobourg. 182 years of service to God and through God the community of Cobourg and the wider world. It is a magnificent testimony of this community of faiths desire to share the Good News and to be an...
Prayers for Nepal and Baltimore
Today's prayer is for two very different concerns, in two very different parts of the world. A few days ago Nepal was hit by a devastating earthquake. Much of the infrastructure in Nepal has been damaged or destroyed and it will take years to rebuild. This speaks...
Psalm 23
There is an old Spiritual that goes like this: Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen Nobody knows my sorrow Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen Glory hallelujah! When we find ourselves in times of trouble and when we experience moments of sorrow, invariably we find...
Preparing for Sunday: Psalm 23
This week we used Psalm 23 as our weekly prayer. This Sunday during worship we will focus on this well loved Psalm. Psalm 23 is full of many images and metaphors that describe how we think about God. It also provides imagery about our understanding of God's promises...
Spring Tea and Bazaar
The Women's Association of St. Andrew's is hosting their Spring Tea and Bazaar this Saturday April 25 from 10am - 12pm. Come and enjoy a refreshing time of fellowship and be sure to explore the many deals in the bazaar.
The Lord is my Shepherd
One of the most beloved and well known Psalms is Psalm 23. The opening lines which state 'The Lord is my Shepherd...' have provided comfort to people of faith for untold generations. It is a very real possibility that these words brought comfort to our Lord and...
What does it mean to be a witness as a Christian? To what do we provide a witness to and who are we providing that witness for? Witness - Audio Sermon You are witnesses to these things. You are a witness to the testimony of holy scripture. Have you ever...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.