Prayer of Remembrance
Today is Remembrance Day. Today is a day when we remember those who have fought in past wars. Fighting for the cause of freedom, liberty and ultimately for peace. Regrettably, conflict and war are still a part of our everyday life. Though the battles are fought in far...
A Prayer of Praise
As we move about the busyness of our days we do not often stop and pause to reflect on God. If we are honest with ourselves God is an after thought in the activities that comprise our daily lives. We acknowledge, believe and know that God is with us but we seldom give...
A Prayer of Thanks and for Rest
We have celebrated Thanksgiving. A time when we are deeply thankful for what God has provided us with. It is a time that we spend with family and friends. We enjoy good food and fellowship. However, it is also a busy time full of hosting duties or travel. Today as you...
Prayer Time: World Communion Sunday
This Sunday is World Communion Sunday. Christians from around the world will celebrate the holy mystery of communion. Together we will remember what God through Jesus Christ has done for us in the forgiving of our sins. Our relationship to one another is restored as...
Prayer Time: A Prayer for Forgiveness
Over the past few weeks we have been studying about forgiveness as Jesus has presented it in Matthew 18. This week as we pray we focus on forgiveness. Remembering to forgive ourselves as well as others. This prayer is adapted from Worship for an Easter People vol. 3...
Prayer for Humility
This past Sunday we talked a little bit about pride and walking humbly with God. With this in mind I think it is important to continue to remember to walk humbly with God. To consider ourselves as children of God and how God is using us. As God said to Job when he...
A Prayer for Our Community
Over the course of the next week we will head to the polls to elect new leaders for Cobourg. Across Ontario this action will be played out in other city. Each city has its own concerns and problems. A variety of candidates have come forward with how they feel these...
Prayer Time: Harvest
The tree's are a riot of colour as we fully enter into and embrace the autumn season. Here in Canada we will be celebrating Thanksgiving this coming weekend. In anticipation of this time we give thanks to God for the many blessings that we enjoy in our lives. Creator...
Prayer Time: Thankful for Grace
God of grace and God of life, we seek your presence in our lives. We long to know you and walk in your path of righteousness. We recognize that we live in a broken world, full of dangers and temptations. We know that there are many people and organizations who fight...
Prayer Time: A Gaelic Poem for Peace
This prayer is taken from the book The Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic by Alexander Carmichael (1960). The Peace of God, the peace of men, the peace of Columba kindly, the peace of Mary mild, the loving, the peace of Christ, King of tenderness. The...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.