I would like to play a game with you this morning. This is a game of word association. I will say one word and you will shout out the first word that you can think of that is related to that word. Are you ready? Fast. Red. Apple. Bible. Christmas. Birthday. Chocolate....
Primer for Sunday: The Opening Act
Agnus Day notes that John the Baptist scored 8 out of 10 on Gigging Musician's list: How to be a Great Opening Act. While I am not sure what John would have thought of that, it is an interesting idea. In Mark's Gospel we start with John the Baptist preparing the way....
December News
The season of Advent has begun. We prepare for Christmas and the birth of Christ. During the month of December there are a variety of activities taking place within the life of the Church December 6 - Men's Breakfast @ The Dutch Oven 9am December 6 - Christmas...
Prayer for Peace
We are approaching the second Sunday in Advent. This week our prayer comes to us via YouTube. Take a few moments to remove any distractions, listen to the music and pray the words in this Prayer for Peace.
The Rooster
It was two days before Hallowe’en when I noticed them. Christmas decorations were being sold. Specifically it was a giant Santa Claus and Snowman. They were on display at a local retailer and my heart sank. The kids had not yet been out trick or treating and Christmas...
Primer for Sunday Worship: Hope is a Star
The wise men found Jesus by following a light in the heavens. They followed a star and were led to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today we also have lights. We decorate our houses with lights, we place ornaments and lights on Christmas trees which brighten up our...
A Prayer of Hope
Advent begins this Sunday. With the start of Advent the Church calendar begins anew and we await the Christ child with expectant hope. Advent is a time of preparation. A time when we get ready to receive Jesus into our lives once again. Much of Western society focuses...
Be the Sheep
Welcome to winter. Over the past week we have welcomed the snow, the wind and the cold. It’s not that we aren’t used to winter weather, we just prefer to wait a little longer. The last few years we didn’t see snow until January, so having the white stuff appear at the...
Preparing for Sunday: Sheep and Goats
On the surface our message for this Sunday is one of judgement. The parable ends with one group, the goats, receiving eternal punishment. The other, the sheep, receive eternal life. Which makes you want to jump up and down saying "I'm a sheep! Please put me with the...
Praying the Psalms
The Psalms are a wonderful resources when you are struggling with prayer. Often in our prayer life we can get stuck or find ourselves in a rut. We find ourselves praying for the same thing repeatedly. In some instances this can frustrate us and in our frustration we...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.