Text: Luke 18: 9-14 Imagine, if you will, praying the following prayer. If it is helpful, please close your eyes and bow your heads. Thank you God for loving me. Thank you God for the way your grace works in my life. Thank you God for my health. May I always...
In All Things Pray
Text: Luke 18: 1-8 Prayer. Prayer is a real problem. You see half of us probably don’t pray as much as the other half think we do. And most of us pray for things we really shouldn’t pray for. And all of us have unanswered prayer. And for everyone one of...
Text: Luke 17: 11-19 Several years ago there was an article in the Irish Times. There had been a traffic accident in the city of Dublin. The driver who was charged with causing the accident was interviewed about what happened and was asked who might be...
Text: Luke 17: 1-10 There was once a woman who bought a parrot for a pet. All the parrot did was treat her bad. It insulted her and every time she tried to pick it up, it would peck at her arm. One day she got fed up with the parrot and as it was...
No More
Text: Luke 18: 19-31 The Beetles sing, “Eleanor Rigby died at the church and was buried along with her name. Nobody came.” Eleanor Rigby was one of the lonely people, the type of people we don’t normally look at twice. The kind we go out of our way...
Pick One
Text - Luke 16: 1-13 I want you to imagine you are sitting at a desk and are about to write an exam. The first question you have is a case study based on Luke 16: 1-9. You’ll note we read to verse 13 this morning. So you sit down and you read Luke 16: 1-9. Jesus is...
Text: Luke 15: 1-10 Perhaps you, like me, are a fan of spy movies. Films that are full of espionage, danger and thrills. I’ve always been a fan of a certain British spy, though the older movies are difficult to watch due to some of the attitudes that...
Before the audio of the sermon begins I spoke briefly about the Children's Story and then about one of the things we do each week at St. Andrew's. After scripture has been read the reader says, "The word of the Lord" and everyone in the congregation responds, "Thanks...
If I were to sneeze right now most of you would probably respond in one of two ways. You would either say Gesundheit which is German and means roughly, “I wish you good health.” The other response you might provide is Bless You. Now saying ‘bless you’ to someone might...
Text: Luke 13: 10-17 My boys have a paper route and as a result of that they are required to go and collect from their customers every three weeks. Normally, we go out and do this collection on a Saturday afternoon. However, on occasion this doesn’t work...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.